示指橈側動脈. WordNet. relating to or near the radius; "the radial aspect of the forearm" pneumatic tire that has radial-ply casing (同)radial tire, radial-ply_tire


Ordet är 5 bokstäver, den första bokstaven är "A", den andra bokstaven är "O", den Konsteriya luchevochjag är dekretochtotalochlitsa (a. radialis indicis, PNA) 

1 Definition. Die Arteria radialis indicis ist ein kleiner Ast der Arteria radialis, welcher den Zeigefinger versorgt. 2 Verlauf. Die Arteria radialis indicis entspringt nahe der Arteria princeps pollicis aus der Arteria radialis.

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The artery courses distally along the radial (lateral) palmar aspect of 2nd metacarpal and between the 1 st dorsal interossei and adductor pollicis muscles. Descripción. The arteria volaris indicis radialis (radialis indicis artery) arises close to the arteria princeps pollicis, descends between the first Interosseus dorsalis and Adductor pollicis transversus, and runs along the radial side of the index finger to its extremity, where it anastomoses with the proper digital artery, supplying the ulnar side of the finger. arteria radialis indicis — [TA] radialis indicis artery: origin, princeps pollicis artery; branches, none; distribution, index finger … Medical dictionary Indicis — is a Latin adjective commonly used in anatomical terms pertaining to the index finger, but generally applicable to indexes of any kind.Examples of the usage include:* Extensor indicis proprius * radialis indicis artery * Moderatio Indicis… … The radialis indicis branch runs along to the distal end of the index, supplying the lateral aspect of the index finger.

Az arteria radialis az orsócsontütőér az alkaron. Ez a vékonyabb és felszínesebb a két alkarverőér közül, de inkább esik a karverőér egyenes folytatásába. A kezdetén elég felszínesen a könyökárkot határoló két izom, a musc. pronator teres és musc. brachioradialis közt helyezkedik el. Az alkar középső harmadában elfedi a musc. brachioradialis széle.

It arises from the radial artery in the plam just after the origin of the princeps pollicis artery. The radialis indicis artery is a branch of the radial artery in the hand that supplies the radial aspect of the index finger (2 nd digit).

Arteria radialis indicis

Palm of the hand, deep dissection, anterior view. Ulnar artery; Deep palmar arch; Arteria princeps pollicis; Arteria radialis indicis; Palmar metacarpal arteries 

brachialis v loketní krajině po radiální straně. Looking for arteria radialis?

arteria radialis - branch of the brachial artery beginning below the and the remaining third by arteria radialis indicis, a branch of either arteria princeps  In addition to this dorsal carpal branch it also gives arteria radialis indicis and princeps follicis ar- teries while it dips down into the first interosseous space and   Arteria radialis indicis. Kleiner Ast der Arteria radialis. Deutscher Name, Daumenwärtige Schlagader des Zeigefingers. Lage. Hand.
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Arteria (Arterie) radialis indicis. Zurück zur alphabetischen Auswahl. Arteria radialis indicis.

19, 19. Humeral artery.
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Arteria radialis indicis

(links im Bild), Arteria ulnaris (rechts im Bild) Die Arteria radialis (Speichenarterie) ist beim Menschen die Fortsetzung der Arteria brachialis nach dem Abgang der Arteria ulnaris. Bei den Haustieren ist sie ein oberflächlicher Seitenast der…

arteria radialis indicis — [TA] radialis indicis artery: origin, princeps pollicis artery; branches, none; distribution, index finger … Medical dictionary Indicis — is a Latin adjective commonly used in anatomical terms pertaining to the index finger, but generally applicable to indexes of any kind.Examples of the usage include:* Extensor indicis proprius * radialis indicis artery * Moderatio Indicis… … kodarluumine nimetissõrmearter (arteria radialis indicis) kopsutüvi (truncus pulmonalis) kraniaalne kilpnäärmearter (arteria thyroidea cranialis) Synonym(s): arteria radialis indicis [TA], arteria volaris indicis radialis, radial index artery Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 ra·di·a·lis in·di·cis ar·te·ry Se hela listan på earthslab.com The arteria princeps pollicis and radialis indicis were quite variable in their origin and frequently differed from the normal textbook description. In 52% of the subjects, the arterial patterns in the right and left hand were different with respect to one or more arteries, while they were identical in 48% of the subjects. radialis indicis. Arteria (Arterie) radialis indicis.

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Sep 22, 2020 in the medial aspect of the anterior compartment of the forearm, and distally approaches the tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris, lying laterally to it.

brachioradialis közt helyezkedik el. Az alkar középső harmadában elfedi a musc. brachioradialis széle.